The D-day arrives with a tumult of emotions for the bride after the busy and long path of wedding planning. There is a sense of exhilaration and delight, as well as unexplainable stomach butterflies, but there is also a considerable amount of uneasiness, anxiety, crankiness, and dread. And rightly so, it is the life-changing event and beginning of the rest of your life after all.
Apart from seeing the emotional journey, you're also looking forward to your final wedding appearance! Endless useless thoughts will continue to cross your head till the day is done, but worry not beautiful brides and brides-to-be, we at kavani will be by your side making it a memorable event.
For everyone, the new and unexplored are always a little terrifying and a lot confused. It's fine to be worried, but don't stop there. Join forces with your best friends and have a memorable time. Wear the fantasy wedding gown you've always desired since you were a little kid and twirl till your feet hurt. After all, it's your wedding, and you want everything to be perfect.